A Live Streaming Duo Piano Concert
Performance by:
Prof Adi Utarini & Ike Kusumawati
Oct 12, 2019, 730pm (Yogyakarta time)
Live Streaming Ticket
USD $10
For Paypal account user: on your mobile phone device/computer/smart TV, please click the following link: www.paypal.me/studiotigadika
For Non-Paypal account user:
Send your identity (name, email, and phone number) to WhatsApp (WA) no: +62 821 1696 4004 or email studiotigadika@gmail.com. Invoice and payment instruction will be sent to your email or WA number.
– Send the receipt through the above WA or email.
– We will send the password in the afternoon of Oct 12.
For a better audio quality, it is recommended to use a headset when accessing through mobile or computer. To have a smooth livestreaming experience, please ensure that you have minimum internet download speed of 512kbps
Testing and access the livestreaming through www.adiutarini.id or www.kanalpengetahuan.fk.ugm.ac.id
Enjoy the concert